Settings for MD / VA KPC-3+ Version 8.3 DIGIPEATERs 10 April 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To implement the New n-N Paradigm in Maryland and Northern Virginia here are the objectives: 1) Support WIDEn-N universal path with tracing 2) Encourage WIDE2-2 or SS2-2 for general use in the States (MD and VA) 3) Discourage RELAY,WIDE and WIDE,WIDE and WIDE,WIDE,WIDE paths Notice that RELAY, WIDE TRACE and TRACEn-N are now obsolete and are no longer supported and RELAY is being replaced by "WIDE1-1". These settings apply to all version 8.3 KPC-3+ digipeaters and some of the later versions of 8.2 after xxxx 7265. The 9.0 digis will have to be upgraded due to problems in the DUPE elimination algorithm. FIRST: RESET the TNC to factory defaults to get rid of any hacks and tweaks that you may have developed over the years. And install your MYCALL and a geographic MYALIAS that is well known but best describes the coverage. SECOND: Set the proper settings for APRS that are not the TNC defaults. Set these two commands as below: HID OFF - These packets are of no value to APRS but lots of QRM CD SOFTWARE - For the best collision avoidance method THIRD: Eliminate the settings that are detrimental to the network. Although some of these may have seemed to be "beneficial" when you look at them in the book, they are actually bad for an APRS network. UIDWAIT should be OFF. (the default). With it on, your digi is not doing the fundamental APRS fratricide that is the primary mechanism for suppressing multiple dupes. All digis that hear the same packet are supposed to DIGI it at the SAME time so that all those copies do not get further digipeated back and forth between themselves. (but outward located digs will hear it without colision (and continue outward propogation) FOURTH: Set up the basic New n-N Paradigm: UIDIGI WIDE3-3,WIDE4-4,WIDE5-5,WIDE6-6 <== in Central MD and N.VA UIDIGI WIDE4-4,WIDE5-5,WIDE6-6,WIDE7-7 <== in rural MD and VA UIFLOOD MD,30,ID <== for the State network (or VA,30,ID) UITRACE WIDE,30 <== so that WIDEn-N is now traceable FIFTH: Set up the Digipeater's POSITION ID and Transmission rate: Improperly set BLTs and LTPaths can be generating as many as 160 packets per hour, per digi, a tremendous load on the net. The recommended way to still cover the same area with decent 10 minute local and 30 minute surrounding copies is shown below and on: BLT 1 EVERY 00:30:00 START 00:00:00 BLT 2 EVERY 00:30:00 START 00:10:00 BLT 3 EVERY 01:00:00 START 00:20:00 BLT 4 EVERY 01:00:00 START 00:50:00 LTP 1 APN383 LTP 2 APN383 LTP 3 APN383 VIA WIDE1-1 LTP 4 APN383 VIA WIDE2-2 This results in a local ID once every 10 minutes, one hop every 30 mins and 2 hops every hour. (Remember that 2 hops from a digi hits all the same stations and digis that a 3 hop path does from a home station.) SIXTH: As noted above in the LTPaths, your UNPROTO should use the TOCALL of APN383 where APN identifies it as digipeater firmware. The "3" identifies it as a KPC-3 and the "83" identifies it as ROM version 8.3 (or whatever).. See the APRS list of TOCALL versions for details of this naming convention. SEVENTH: ADVERTISING LOCAL ASSETS: Use your BTEXT to advertise any custom local assets such as the best travelers Voice repeater in the area. Set your UNPROTO path to APN383 (direct) in most cases (no VIAs) since it is used for your BText which should contain information only of *local* value. Be sure to include the frequency such as BText: ;APRS-RPTR*111111zDDMM.hhN/DDMM.hhW$147105p107 AARC CLub in Davidsonville BEACON EVERY 10 <== sets it up for LOCAL ONLY every 10 minutes UNPROTO APN383 This is an object for the local voice repeater that welcomes APRS mobiles. Notice that it is only sent localy and DIRECT because of the UNPROTO path with no VIA's. The date/time field is set to all 111111's which makes it a valid date and time, but also indicates it is fictitious and of no value. EIGHTH: Setting your POSITION TEXT: Your Position packet goes in the LTPath statements. Make your LTexts very descriptive of this digi and its capabilities to the users, but they must all be identical to keep APRS logging software from seeing constant changes and logging everyone of them all day long. LT 1 !DDMM.hhNSDDDMM.hhW#PHGphgd/W2,MDn AARC Club Digi LT 2 !DDMM.hhNSDDDMM.hhW#PHGphgd/W2,MDn AARC Club Digi LT 3 !DDMM.hhNSDDDMM.hhW#PHGphgd/W2,MDn AARC Club Digi LT 4 !DDMM.hhNSDDDMM.hhW#PHGphgd/W2,MDn AARC Club Digi a) After the LAT/LONG# Always include the PHGXXXX (See DIGIS.TXT) b) next, a list of capablities, such as W2,MDn,etc (or VA2) W2 means WIDE2-2 is recommended. c) The overlay character between the LAT/LONG should now be a "S" showing it is a LIMITED WIDEn-N digipeater with SSn-N support. (or a "P" if it is a modified PacComm one (see separate PacComm File). d) There is no need for altitude /A=001377 since this is all included in a proper PHG statement. If you insist, then put it at the end so it doesnt take up space on the front panel of the kenwoods (which only display the first 20 bytes)... CONCLUSION: That's all there is to it. Please don't diddle with any other parameters. The defaults for those are the correct settings. If you dink with them you can only make performance worse. de WB4APR, bob